Words of the world

Mil primaveras mais!

18/05/2020  -  Escolas de Ensino Galego Semente


Refurbishment funding for the new Semente Compostela school in Moas de Abaixo: unifying facilities & increasing the number of student vacancies.


Due to the project’s growth and the need to maximise resources and logistics, Semente Compostela has initiated the legal, technical, and administrative procedures required to start the purchase of a larger property better suited for: 

Concentrating all the school's proposals in a single space, thus meeting the conditions for their optimal development.

Welcoming all children from both Pre-school Education (2 to 6 years old) and Primary Education (6 to 12 years old) in order for all to come together in a single space.

Increasing student intake capacity to meet the growing demand for Pre-school Education.

Increasing the range of activities aimed at all Compostela citizens, especially training and social activities.

This property is located at Moas de Baixo number 19, in the municipality of Santiago de Compostela.

Description of the project. Main features, strengths and differentials. 

The property was bought with a €285,000 loan provided by credit cooperative Coop57. The loan covered the acquisition of the property as well as taxing and refurbishment project design expenses. However, it is not enough to cover the renovation costs which is why further €130,000 are needed to carry this out.


Why this is important 

Semente Compostela relies financially on activist work and monthly fees from community supporters. Some of these supporters do not make use of our school services but believe that teaching must be provided in Galician through a transformative pedagogy that understands the school as an integral part of society. Our pedagogical approach responds to working-class interests by ensuring a democratic teaching and learning process that educates children to be critical citizens. Since 2011, all Semente activities have been conducted in the language of our people, Galician, facilitating its acquisition, preservation, and consolidation.


Team and experience 

Semente Compostela is made up by 7 members of staff and working committees in which 70 families partake. We are a community of collaborators, activists, and people who adhere to the project and who defend that Galician is an indispensable part of our culture, our history, and our future. Semente Compostela schools are a feminist space founded on a transforming pedagogy that understands the school as an integral part of society; responding to working-class interests by ensuring a democratic teaching and learning process that educates children to be critical citizens.

Further information below

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 2020 Garabide

Larrin Plaza 1, 20550 Aretxabaleta, Gipuzkoa
688 63 24 33 / 943 250 397