Chingo bat

Goizean goiz autobusa hartu eta Aretxabaletatik Arrasaterako bidaia egin dugu astelehen honetan. 10 hizkuntza gutxituetako ordezkariek lan mundua euskalduntzeko asmoarekin sortu zen Emun ezagutzeko aukera izan dute han.

Kooperatiba honetan euskara hutsean egiten dute lan, eta hori gainerako enpresetan ere gerta dadin nahi dute. Harrera egin digun Emuneko kidea ziur dago hezkuntzarekin soilik ez dugula hizkuntza normalizatuko. Haren ustez, “badu bere funtzioa, inportantea da, baina arlo sozio-ekonomikoan ere eragitea estrategikoa da”. Horrez gain, hizkuntza planen berri jaso dute jakinmin handiz. Ideia bat baino gehiago azpimarratu dituzte beren koadernoetan, besteak beste, hizkuntza sustatzerakoan buruan iltzatzeko moduko bi hitz gako: motibazioa eta erabilera.

Eguerdi aldera, berriro ere autobusa hartu eta Arrasatetik Aretxabaletara itzuli gara, bertan zain baikenuen Jasone Mendizabal Euskaltzaleen Topaguneako kidea. Harekin gizarte aktibazioaz aritu gara, eta saretzeak duen garrantziaz. Hausnarketa pertsonalerako tartea ere utzi die ordezkariei.

Hona Mendizabalek bota duen galderetako bat eta Nawat (Mexiko) komunitateko ordezkariek eman dioten erantzuna:

-Zein izan liteke lehengo pausua zuen hizkuntza komunitatea aktibatzen laguntzeko?

-Lehenengo pausua? Hizkuntzaren inguruko balizko militanteak identifikatzea, hau da, hizkuntza aktiboki sustatzeko grina dutenak. Asko direla ziur gaude, edo hark dioen bezala, “un chingo”!

Hala bedi!

112 erantzun “Chingo bat” bidalketan

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  5. São Paulo: Leandro; Maik (Kayky, intervalo), Belém, Andrade (Lucas Inácio, intervalo) e João Douglas (Petri, aos 10/2T); Léo Silva (Luís Felipe, aos 32/2T), Negrucci, Brian e Luiz Henrique (Mateus Amaral, aos 10/2T); Cauê (Talles Wander, aos 31/2T) e João Gabriel. Técnico: Alex de Souza Os dois times fizeram um bom primeiro tempo, mas o Tricolor é quem começou melhor e abriu o placar. Patrick mandou para as redes após desvio na primeira trave. O lance, controverso, gerou reclamações dos palmeirenses, que apontaram toque de mão do meia depois de a bola ter batido no peito. Mas o VAR reviu a jogada e confirmou o gol. O Timão caiu no Grupo D e passou em primeiro, com três vitórias em três jogos, contra Juventus-SP, Fluminense e Juventude. No mata-mata, superou Guarani, Nacional-SP e São Paulo. A final foi contra a Ponte Preta, que foi derrotada por 3×2 pelo clube do Parque São Jorge. Os gols corinthianos foram marcados por Fabinho Fontes, André Santos e Toninho, este último na prorrogação. Ex-técnico do time profissional, Sylvinho estava no elenco campeão desta edição.
    Substantivo Masculino Embora Neto tenha se desculpado no programa no dia seguinte, a CBF negociou os jogos com a RedeTV!, que novamente passou a transmitir o torneio em 2014. Nesta temporada, Cruzeiro lidera Campeonato Brasileiro Série B com 78 points ganhos em 38 matches disputados. Isto equivale a 2.05 pontos por jogo. Ganharam 23, empataram 9 e perderam 6. Ligas da semana | Melhor jogo do dia | Onde apostar O ano de 2022 marcou a décima segunda vez em que o Operário FC levantou a taça do Campeonato Sul-Mato-Grossense de Futebol. O Galo conquistou o título com uma vitória por 3 a 1 fora de casa, sobre o Aquidauanense FC, somando 22 pontos, três a mais que o vice CE Naviraiense. Os gols do campeão foram marcados por André Pereira, Marcos Vinicius e Uirapuãn, com Jô descontando para o time de Aquidauana.

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  9. Founded in 1970, the WSOP was first hosted by Benny Binion at the Benny Binion’s Horseshoe Casino. In 2002, the online format of this world-famous competition was introduced. It is noteworthy that the 15th World Series of Poker main event is about $ 13M in prize money, making it the largest poker tournament in the world. Founded in 1970, the WSOP was first hosted by Benny Binion at the Benny Binion’s Horseshoe Casino. In 2002, the online format of this world-famous competition was introduced. It is noteworthy that the 15th World Series of Poker main event is about $ 13M in prize money, making it the largest poker tournament in the world. Več o drugih turnirjih, kot tudi o vseh načinih za kvalifikacije bo znano v naslednjih tednih in mesecih, vendar pa je dobro čim prej začeti planirati, kako se boste naslednje poletje odpravili v Las Vegas in naši poker skupnosti morda priigrali prvo WSOP zapestnico – sebi pa večno slavo!
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  10. Jason Mercier made his debut in the professional poker world back in 2007 and quickly made a name for himself. In fact, he’s won five WSOP bracelets and a European Poker Tour Title. What’s more, the Global Poker Index (GPI) named him the number one poker player worldwide for 80 straight weeks. The top nine will walk away with at least $1.1 million: With the amount of money poker players can earn essentially being endless, the amount of money a poker player can make ranges from a little to a lot! All 10 players in August retained their spots in September, but that wouldn’t be the case in October. Daniel Alaei dropped from the middle of the pack to become unranked this month, but one small score should bring him back at any time. Also falling out is Sorel Mizzi, despite finishing fifth in the High Roller Turbo at EPT London. Taking their spots are two new stars: Dwyte Pilgrim and Tom Marchese. Both have proved over the year that they have what it takes and their recent success put them over the top and placed them into the bottom two spots.
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    With twenty lakefront cottages and rental suites, Proctor’s has been a favorite lodging spot for many vacationers visiting the Lake Winnipesaukee area for decades.  Each year there is a great mix of returning visitors and new guests who vacation at Proctor’s Lakehouse Cottages enjoying the 350 feet of private beach. The waterfront property is perfect for easy access to lake exploration via motorboat, kayak, paddle board, or sailing. Proctor’s Lakehouse Cottages – Cottage Rentals With your boat rental, you can also rent tubes, life jackets, wakeboards, and waterskis for an additional charge. There are no half-day boat rentals, only full-day or multi-day rentals. You will receive an additional discount if you book for more than three days. You can also purchase additional boat insurance, and the boat must be returned with a full gas tank. Daily rentals occur from 9 am to 4 pm. If the boat isn’t returned on time, there is a charge of $500 plus an additional $100 every hour the boat is late. 

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    Oh, but don’t let me forget — the natural wonders in this area are something else! Make sure to swing by the Sea Lion Caves — the largest sea cave in America inhabited by sea lions (spring and winter are the best seasons to visit). Meet our #CTcreator Chandler Anderson! CTvisit is proud to partner with some of the region’s most popular content Cookies are used for measurement, ads and optimization. By continuing to use our site you agree to our privacy notice. Remember the days when you went to the local university to study before a big final exam? Universities and colleges are designed with students in mind. You can count on plenty of open spaces to do some alone work like reading or designing new projects. There is also likely an abundance of tables for work and forcasual meetings with colleagues or clients.

  14. About Us As usual at JefeBet, we tell you how both of them are coming to the Bundesliga Matchday 19, along with the predictions, odds, and probable lineups for Eintracht Frankfurt vs Hertha Berlin. Keep reading to find out more! Süper Lig:- HC Traktor Chelyabinsk scored in the 2nd period in 10 of the last 11 KHL home games. Scotland – Premiership One of my least favorite parts of this job is making predictions about the season record. For what it’s worth my prediction last season was 5-7. So I wasn’t too far off. Süper Lig:- In an offseason where hitting the reset button was a real possibility, the new Vikings leadership team of Kwesi Adofo-Mensah and head coach Kevin O’Connell largely kept the roster intact while adding complementary pieces all around. All football predictions for tomorrow and soccer picks tomorrow from our experts. We offer tomorrow match predictions, with all football betting tips and match stats. BETONFOOT is your best guide for Tomorrow Football Predictions and Soccer Predictions Tomorrow! Our expert monitors all games with betting odds relentlessly. Whether you are looking for any Football tips for tomorrow, you will find them here.
    Through the first four games of the 2022-23 NBA season, it feels like Denver is still trying to figure things out. Thankfully, the Nuggets will get the chance to reignite hope in the Mile High and clinch a victory against the 0-3 Los Angeles Lakers in Ball Arena. Jokic had a triple-double with 26 buckets, 18 boards and 15 dimes, missing four of his 14 shots. Jamal Murray had a team-high with 32 points, 7-for-12 behind the three-point line. KCP and Aaron Gordon scored 15 each. Russell Westbrook is expected to step up for the Lakers with 19 points, 7 rebounds and 11 assists, while Nikola Jokic is projected to have 26 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists for the Nuggets. The bettor did win a $167,000 wager at -117 odds on the Lakers -7 in Game 1 of that series, which the Lakers won 126-114.

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    Für einen echten Spielautomaten fehlt Euch der Platz in der Wohnung? Dann dürfte der neue Mini-Arcade-Automat genau das richtige für Euch sein! Mit kompakten Maßen im Verhältnis 1:4 bringt der sonst auf Merchandise spezialisierte Publisher Numskull (Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, PlayStation, SEGA etc.) alte Spielhallenklassiker zurück auf den Markt. Der Mini-Arcade-Automat nutzt das Original-Rom, um das Game zu emulieren und wurde offiziell lizenziert. Der kleine Automat verfügt über einen Akku und kann ohne Netzanschluss gespielt werden. Der Mini-Arcade-Automat soll schon im September 2019 erscheinen und für rund 150 € zu erhalten sein. Arcade 1UP bringt das legendäre Arcade-Gaming nach Hause! Der Arcade Automat ist schnell montiert und aufgebaut ca. 50 x 58 x 128 cm groß, sodass man ihn bequem im Sitzen bedienen kann, dennoch geht das Feeling eines Full-Size-Spielautomaten nicht verloren. Der 17 Zoll LCD Bildschirm, die originalgetreuen Steuertasten und Joysticks sowie eine regulierbare Lautstärke sorgen für ein authentisches Gameplay. Die zwei klassischen Arcade Spiele Space Invaders Original und Space Invaders Colour können allein oder zu zweit gespielt werden und versorgen Sie mit endlosen Stunden Spielspaß.

  16. After researching the scholarship organization, identify a personal experience that embodies its values and exemplifies how you will be a successful student. Educational reflection papers may illustrate your experiences in a variety of categories, including book reviews, movies, events, and even academic courses to evaluate your understanding of the subject. For example, books and movies illustrate certain kinds of situations that people may encounter in daily life. At the same time, they offer solutions and include discussion on the subject. In a reflection paper, you will provide your opinions and views regarding the events in assigned books or movies and how these have contributed to your understanding of certain practices or techniques.
    A descriptive essay provides a detailed description of a certain object. The goal of this piece of writing is to create for readers a clearly depicted picture of its subject. Descriptive essays should also awaken feelings and emotions. What are the parts of a descriptive essay? You can think of “descriptive essay” as more of an umbrella category. It can encompass other essay types, particularly analytical essays, expository essays, and personal narrative essays. Each of the following sections of your essay should focus on one facet of the description being developed in support of your thesis statement, and include the dominant sensory details that you identified during your research. Once you know what points you want to make in your essay, you can write your thesis statement. This should be one sentence that sums up the main idea of your essay. For example, if you were writing about a certain colour, you might say “The colour blue is calming and serene.”

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